Sunday, May 10, 2015

HWY 12

Here we are in Aberdeen, Washington, on highway 12! Just follow this road about 1,900 miles east and you'll be in Merrillan!

Ocean -side camping!

So here is where we camped last night, Quileute Oceanside Resort. They have cabins, RV spots, tent camping...a little bit for everyone. We had a really nice spot about 100 feet from the ocean (I guess that depends on whether it is high tide or not!). We saw some whales this morning while Gus threw rocks in the water. He was very cautious of not letting the waves get him! The sound of the ocean put blue to sleep:-) what a nice spot dad found!

Hurricane Ridge

Panoramic shot from Olympic National Park at the top of Hurricane Ridge. It is about 17 miles from the main road into the heart of the park. Views of the ocean and Canada can be seen from the other direction.

Port Angeles

Well, here we are in Port Angeles. Very odd town. There were cool metals structures everywhere, though! Someone cut an I-beam in half and it looks so neat! Can you see me? I'm on the construction sign. And you can see Canada from here. We were higher than 48 degrees north latitude!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Tree tunnel

Awesome tunnel just off the ferry dock in Bremerton. There were trees in the form work to make awesome walls on the tunnel! Ferry ride was nice. Gus was a upset and scared, but blue really liked it!


Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't posted for quite some time...but I'm back! We are taking a family trip to Olympic national park today! We drove to Seattle last night and stayed at hotel Monaco. We walked around the city last night to see the waterfront and big Ferris wheel! Gus and blue didn't fall asleep until after 11:30!

So today we are sitting at the waterfront waiting to board the ferry. We are taking the Kaleetan from downtown Seattle to Bremerton. The trip should take an hour. It is going to be so fun!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Hi everyone! It has a been a long time and we have been busy! We have come on a trip to Chicago/Wisconsin this week. Today, Joe, Anne, and I took a trip to Minneapolis to drop Joe off for work at Target. It was -5 degrees at noon! Good thing Anne found my wool winter jacket and red scarf! I love the winter time and snow!

Saturday, November 15, 2014


Hi everyone! I know it has been awhile. Here I am outside of my home in Washington and can you believe there is snow in early November? Reminds me of stopping on the snowy hill behind Culver's in Wisconsin so long ago! Anne, Gus, and Blue flew in from Chicago yesterday and the weather was about the same in there as it is here. I really miss the snow - so neat we can see it every once in awhile!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Larch Mountain

Hi everyone! Just drove up to the Shererd lookout at Larch Mountain on the Oregon side of the Columbia River. You can see five mountains from here: Mt. St. Helens (under my nose), Mt. Rainier (under my ears), Mt. Adams (to the right of the picture, and Mt. Hood & Mt. Jefferson (off the picture. It is a beautiful day! All sun, no wind, and you can see so far! I love day trips! Thanks for taking us, Joe!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Crater Lake

Hi everyone! Took this picture yesterday on our trip to Crater Lake. The island in the lake is Wizard Island - I suppose it looks like a wizard's hat. It is super nice out here. Partly sunny and in the upper 50's. I love national park adventures!

Thursday, September 4, 2014


So here I am with Anne & Blue at midway airport. I had a little anxiety thinking back on the TSA lady that accosted me a few years ago. Fortunately, we had no issues this time. Smooth check in, smooth flight, smooth ride home. Thanks for the ride and help at the airport, Papa; and thanks for the pizza, Joe! I love adventures!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Nice winter day!

On the way to the Minneapolis airport on a nice winter day! It is 13
degrees today. It was 20 the day we got here and yesterday - the rest
of the time it was either below zero or in the single digits! And that
wind was blowing too! Wind chills got down to -35! It was a nice
visit. Too bad it was too cold for Gus to play out in the snow very
much. Still, it is fun to travel!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Here I am, just west of Tacoma, on an Amtrak train! We have traveled
from Portland today, on our way to Seattle, then a train change and on
to Wisconsin! I like train adventures!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Astoria Column #2

Here is a shot from the top of the Astoria Column. Awesome!

Astoria Column

Here I am at the top of the city of Astoria! We are at the Astoria
Column. What a neat place! You can see both bridges, the town, and
distant mountains. I can't believe more people don't live here!

Pill Box

Can you see me? I am hiding in the lookout hole of a 'pillbox' at the
Bonneville Dam. These concrete structures were used during World War
II as lookouts to guard the dam. It seems so long ago, but it really
isn't that long ago. Neat.

Bonneville Dam, again!

Here we are again, back on the Bonneville Dam! This time we came in on
the Oregon side. Stopped and looked at some waterfalls this morning,
and took Dad to this side of the dam to look at more fish! At the
outside observing area by the fish ladders. We just met Joe on his
bike! He is riding a big 80 mile loop around the waterfalls today,
too! I wonder who will get home first?!?

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Old Stove

Here we are outside restaurant/gift shop/gas station near the Bridge
of the Gods. As we were waking out, Anne's mom noticed this old stove,
which was very similar to the one that her mom cooked on when she was
a little girl on the farm. Mon were come a long way in less than 100
years! What a great time to be alive!

Bridge of the Gods

Hi everyone! Here I am on the Oregon side of the Columbia River,
looking out at the Bridge of Gods. Today, we went to the Bonneville
Dam on the Washington side of the Columbia with Anne's parents and
Gus. We had a great time watching the fish and going across the high
bridge. What a fun day of sightseeing!

Union Station #2

Inside Portland Union Station - very fancy! It was built in 1896. That
is about the same year that Anne's mom and dad's home in Merrillan was
built! Very neat!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Union station

Hi! Here I am in downtown Portland at union station to pick up Anne's
mom and Dad at the train station! It is so neat to think they just
took the Empire Builder almost the whole way! It is going to be a
great visit!

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Here I am near the elephants area at the zoo. If you look carefully
through the bushes, you can see a neat elephant. They are also massive

Polar Bear!

Need I say more? We saw the polar bear right away in our observing. I
can't believe how large his head is! It is massive!

Oregon Zoo!

Here we are at the Oregon Zoo! Joe, Anne, and Gus met some of Joe's
coworkers for some family time. I found a neat place to ride in Gus'
backpack. I like the animals in the zoo!

Hopworks Urban Brewery

Hi! Here I am outside of Hopworks Urban Brewery on the east side of
Portland. We are meeting some of Joe's coworkers for dinner. We had a
good time. The food was good and there was a nice play area for Gus!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Camas Days!

Hi! Here we are at our neighborhood festival, Camas Days! We took Gus
here for the parade. Behind me you can see the first entry. It was a
so-so parade. Joe and Anne thought the parade in Merrillan was better,
if you can believe that! There just wasn't too much imagination put
into the entries with the "outer space" theme. We also noticed the
band was smaller than Anne's high school band, and dare I say Anne's
HS band was better! So we watched half of it and then went to have Gus
play in the blow-up jumper and slide!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Holy Sheep!

So we are almost to the Logan Pass on the Going to the Sun Road when
we pulled off to look at some bighorn sheep. There was a female to my
left, so everyone, including Joe went off about 60' away to look/take
pictures of her when all of a sudden this male came down the mountain.
He was coming pretty quickly and making a bee-line right to the Jeep,
staring at me and Anne the whole time! Anne is sitting in the car
while she is taking this picture. He must have been about ten feet
away! How neat is that?!? Joe came over to take a picture and then a
bunch of sheep started showing up all around us. The ranger came
flying over in his truck, jumped out and yelled at everyone to stay 25
yards away. He was very rude about it - it wasn't like we rolled up on
them...they rolled us on us!

Going to the Sun

Here we are on the Going to the Sun road, traveling to our campsite on
the east side of the park at Saint Mary campground. It is beautiful
any way you look! I don't think that Anne's mom would like this road!

East Glacier Park Amtrak train stop

Here we are near the entrance of Glacier Park where we noticed the
East Glacier Park Amtrak train stop. This is where we (me, Anne, Gus,
and Anne's mom & dad) will be passing on our trip next month! How neat
will it be to pass through here again!

Glacier national park

Here we are just starting to enter Glacier National Park. We are on
the east side now, driving through on US highway 2, then driving back
through on the northerly route (Going to the Sun Road) to stay in the
campground on the east side tonight. So pretty here!

Missouri Headwaters State Park

Hi! Here I am in the AutoHome. We ended up not driving to Glacier
after our detour and thunderstorms yesterday. Instead, we stayed at
the Missouri Headwaters State Park, about 30 miles east of Butte off
of I-90. Here is where the Jefferson, Madison, and Gallatin Rivers all
combine to form the start of the Missouri River. Lewis and Clark names
the three rivers after the President, Secretary of State, and
Secretary of the Treasury at the time. Because the main river
(Jefferson) was not named the Missouri, it makes the Mississippi River
technically the longest in the US. A note to all - if you don't want
to be eaten alive by mosquitos, don't camp where three big rivers
confluence! I still like rivers and camping, tho...

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Yellowstone River

Here is a shot of the Yellowstone river from the Old Yellowstone
Trail. It is a straight drop off down to the flooded river below.
Back in Gardiner, the river was crystal clear, and here you can see
where the debris flow and sediment laden flood waters have turned the
river chocolate brown. Our detour on the gravel road was about 15
miles. When we got to the end, there was another cop turning people
around and not letting them on the gravel road. I think we reached the
mudflow on the highway right after it happened...and made it through
the old highway just before they shut that down, too. We could see a
loader roading down 89 on the other side of the river as we were on
our detour. Probably going to help remove the debris. I wonder how bad
the road was and if they ever got it open?!? What an adventure!


So here I am on "Old Yellowstone Trail" on the west side of the
Yellowstone River about 10 miles outside of Gardiner, Montana.
Gardiner is the first town outside of Yellowstone's north entrance. We
were traveling north in US-89 when all of a sudden it started raining
big drops. Then we saw a cop with flashing lights up ahead and he road could tell there was debris in the road. We didn't
drive all the way up to the cop, but it looked like a flash flood
caused a mudslide/debris flow from drainage off the mountain to the
east. Cars stated turning around, so we looked up on our iPad map to
see if there were bridges to cross the river and and alternate way
through. Fortunately, there was a bridge just a few miles back, and
the old Yellowstone Trail on the other side of the river. It was a
gravel road that had crazy deep washouts on it, too, but we made it
just fine following a local in our Jeep! I wish we would've gotten a
shot of the mud bogging we did, but we were too busy watching the road
and deciding if it was safe to continue! And watching crazy people in
cars - we are sure some didn't make it! Our biggest fear was that cars
would get stuck in the road on either side of us, trapping us in the
middle. How exciting that we got to really use the Jeep!


So we are driving along on the road inside Yellowstone and all of a
sudden there is a buffalo walking right down the centerline of the
road! Anne hurried to take a photo and didn't quite get all of me, but
she got the buffalo just a few feet from our Jeep! About time we ran
into some wildlife! We also saw a momma bear and three babies in the
north part of the Teton NP. How awesome!

Silex Spring

Took a break at the Fountain Paint Pots pull-out in Yellowstone and
walked the whole boardwalk with Joe and Gus. Here I am at the Silex
Spring. What a neat place! I never get bored is always just
as cool as the first time I came here.

Jackson Lake

Hi! Today we are driving from Jackson to Glacier National Park. Here
we are this morning on a picture break at Jackson Lake on our way
through Grans Teton National Park heading to Yellowstone. What a
beautiful day!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Here I am outside of the visitor's center in Moose (the name of the
town:-) in Grand Teton National Park yesterday. It was mostly hot and
sunny and the mountains were beautiful!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Twin Falls - Snake River

Hi everyone! Driving to one of our favorite places right now, Jackson,
WY! Stopped at Twin Falls, ID at Target to grab a few things. We
missed the exit due to construction ad had to backtrack on some local
roads to get there, and we went past this! The land all around is flat
- you wouldn't know that a 400' canyon was there until you came right
up to it! There was an historical marker telling about the suspension
bridge that was built in 1919 to help settlers get across the snake
river canyon. We have been near the Oregon Trail for a lot of our

More interesting is the geological history about Lake Bonneville that
flooded out around 14,500 years ago that helped cut out the snake
river and went on to the Columbia River (essentially our whole drive).
This wasn't a glacial lake like Lake Missoula, but it flooded around
the same time. It just overflowed the banks and cut away at the
alluvial material holding up the lake. It was huge and the Great Salt
Lake is the remnant of the larger old Lake Bonneville. Pretty neat!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Another roadside photo op

Here we are near exit 224 off I-84 in eastern Oregon. We just started
climbing up a grade as the sun was setting, so Joe found a nice place
to pull off to take a picture while Anne fed Gus. I'm pretty sure
Joe's picture will be much better than mine!

Starbucks - Pendleton, OR

Hi! Here we are on our first gas stop of our trip in Pendleton, OR. We
couldn't make it to Idaho to pump our own gas! Oh well...we stopped at
a Starbucks and stretched our legs. This is the first Starbucks we've
noticed that must have been converted from a fast food restaurant! On
our way to Jackson, WY to visit the Tetons/Yellowstone and then up to
Glacier for a few more days. Yeah! I can't wait to see it all!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th!!!

Hi all! Here I am at Camas Heritage Park on a nice 4th of July. Anne
and Joe took Gus for a run and now it is time for Gus to play at the
park. If you look closely, you can see Joe and Gus heading towards the
slide. What a nice day! Go Anerica!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Kenai Lake

Driving from Seward back to Anchorage we pulled off to take some
pictures of Kenai Lake. It looks like I have legs, but those are Joe's
legs behind me, along with a tripod leg emanating out from my arm:-)
It is fun to stop and take pictures!

Exit Glacier

Here we are at the end of a short, mile long hike to Exit Glacier
overlook. It isn't quite as impressive as we thought it would be, but
a neat glacier all the same! You can see the beautiful blue color in
the glacier near the top of what is behind me. That is where the
glacier spills out from the Harding Ice Field. If you look closely,
you can also see a waterfall trickling down the face of the glacier.
Still haven't seen any bears, moose, or elk...but mountains and
gaciers are neat! ❄

Seward/Lowell Point

On our way on a nice Saturday morning! Took a drive south of the town
of Seward to a state park near Lowell Point. The view is pretty nice
here! On our way to Exit Glacier!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Snoopy ski suit

Here I am in the gift shop at the top of the Alyeska ski resort. They
had an exhibit of a 1971 ski suit worn by the US ski team. Outdoor
clothing has come so far since then! I thought it was neat that there
was a snoopy patch on the official uniforms.

Alyeska ski resort

Here I am at the top of the tram at the Alyeaka ski resort. You are
looking down at the Turnagain arm with the Kenai Peninsula mountains
in the distance. It is crazy that the tram starts at 250' and goes up
to over 2,000'. Doesn't seem right that there would be a snow covered
mountain at just 2.000' in elevation! Nice day out, and nice to be

Flattop mountain

Behind me is Flattop mountain. There is a spur off of our trail that
leads to the top of it. If you look closely, you can see people
heading up. Looks like a great trail, but maybe not one while carrying

Blueberry loop #2

Another panorama from the blueberry loop trail. The mountains here
remind us of the Sierras. The trail is a little muddy and snow covered
at times, but overall a very nice hike! No mud or snow would equal no
snow covered mountains, and that is no good!

Blueberry loop trail

Going for a hike on the blueberry loop trail from the Glen Alps
trailhead! What a beautiful day! 60 degrees and sunny - it is 6 pm,
but seems more like noon! I like Alaska!