Monday, December 24, 2007


Hi! It is Christmas Eve Day and I'm here under our tree! I can't wait
for tonight when Santa comes and me and Joe and Anne can hang out and
spent the day together! I love our family! Merry Christmas, everyone!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Wisconsin Snow!

Here I am on a snowbank in Wisconsin! It is very cold here, but I
still like it very much. I have seen several bunny tracks in the snow,
so I know snow bunnies live here, too.

Getting Ready for the Big Trip

It's me with my new coat! It will keep my warm on my trip to Chicago
and Wisconsin.

Friday, December 14, 2007

My new friend

Me and my new friend - merry Christmas!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Things are looking up!

I'm feeling much better now! Thanks for helping out a fellow found
bunny in Wisconsin. I look forward to your return to perform my last
bionic arm repair.

Monday, November 12, 2007

New found bunny!

Hello world! While in Wisconsin came upon a new found bunny. I'm in
need of some repairs, which I'll be getting soon - stay tuned.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

by the mill

well after chicago, we drove up to merrillan, wi. i like it up here, the woods go on forever and there are lots of other creatures around. here i am in front of the mill building (by the waterfall) in the nice afternoon sunshine.

Monday, July 2, 2007

downtown chicago trip

we went to downtown chicago today and walked all around. we saw lots of concrete buildings (i like concrete) and we even went to the zoo. lincoln park zoo has free admission (for people and bunnies) and had lots of neat creatures to see. we saw lions, monkeys and gorillas, and many others but my favorites were the polar bears and the patagonian cavy a type of hare that lives in south america.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

easter - my favorite holiday!

well, easter is here and although i'm sad winter is over (my favorite season) i am happy its easter. we did all kinds of fun things today - we colored eggs and we made vanilla cupcakes with bunny wrappers. i even put some carrots outside for the other bunnies that live just outside my window! happy easter!!