Saturday, June 21, 2008

hot, hot, hot!

it is very hot in southern California today! after the long trip, a
took a cool and refreshing bath today. here I am drying off. i have
regained my pink and white coloration and match the pink towel. it is
nice and cool in our condo.

Friday, June 20, 2008

we made it!

made it back to riverside Wednesday night. here I am resting after all
the fun hours and days of observing! I was so tried, I did not have
time to post this until just now. what a great trip! I hope we do it
again someday!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


here I am on the south side of Sedona with some neat red rocks in the
background. there are several interesting rock formations in the
vicinity. I like it here, but it is extremely hot! there could be some
hardy bunnies that live around here.

spaz juice

we are leaving the meteor crater now and on the way to Sedona. found a
cool beverage called spaz juice with a cool bunny on the can. it is
pretty good - blue raspberry.

Philip Johnson window

here I am outside of the meteor crater visitor center. if you look up
above my ears, you will see a "window" that was specifically designed
by the architect, Philip Johnson. it frames a great view of the
mountain north of flagstaff from the other side. I'll post a picture
from the other side later. Philip Johnson designed a bunch of cool
modern buildings - check out his glass house if you have time. I like
Philip Johnson.

meteor crater!

here I am above meteor crater! it is so large! almost 2.5 miles around
the top, .75 miles across, and 550 feet deep. this is just as cool, if
not cooler than the grand canyon! everyone should check this out! I
like meteor crater.


we stayed in flagataff last night. here I am at the campus coffee bean
in flagstaff to get some breakfast. the pancakes are the best I've
ever had! this place also has a really cool copper covered table that
we sat at. anne and joe have been coming to this coffee place for
years. I am glad they brought me here! next stop, meteor crater...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

hold on tight, joe!

need I say more? here I am at the grand canyon! it is so large! the
picture doesn't do it justice. it looks fake - like a picture of me
was taken in front of a picture. everyone should take a trip here to
see how neat it is!

red rocks

took a quick break and some pictures near a small place called
dennehotso in northeast arizona. here I am with some cool rocks and
our car in the background. the sunshine is nice on my fur. it sure is
warm out!

four corners

decided to take the five mile detour to check out the exact location
of the four corners. when we got there, it looked like it was a few
shops, an overlook, and a stake in the ground denoting the location.
we decided we didn't want to pay $12 to go in ans spend some more
money. here I am in front of the entrance sign. flipped a u-turn and
hit the road again to the grand canyon.


so we decided to travel off the beaten path to go on an adventure to
see shiprock, a cool rock in northwest new mexico. it is near monument
valley, where all kinds of cool rocks from an old volcanic period
remain today. we usually see shiprock from the airplane when we fly.
it is neat to see it from the ground. you can really see the dikes of
straight-line rock that radiate outward from the main rock. the
largest dike is above and to the left on the picture. shiprock is on
the right of me as you look at the picture. I am happy we came to see

day #14 - durango

stayed in Durango last night. here I am outside on the patio of our
hotel room. the animas river is right outside our window! it is neat
to listen to the water flowing down the stream. we drove through towns
named ouray and silverton on Colorado 550 last night. the roads were
very skinny, steep, and scary! the mountains all around us were very
beautiful! it is a good thing the moon was out to help guide our way.
we will have to come back here someday for sure!

dillon pinnacles

the sun is behind a cloud, allowing us to capture this awesome picture
of the dillon pinnacles above the blue mesa reservoir on the gunnison
river. I thought I saw a prairie dog looking creature around here so
I'm sure there are bunnies around, too. I like this place.

Monday, June 16, 2008


here I am with a cool bridge and the gunnison river behind me just
outside of gunnison, colorado. I like bridges and water.

two miles high!

here I am in a town called leadville, co. it is an old mining town.
the town is at 10,200' in elevation - that is almost two miles high!
we've gone through mountain passes that are over 11,000' high. some of
the mountain peaks you see behind me are higher than 14,000' high. we
are on top of the world! super cool!

THX 1138

here I am going through the Eisenhower tunnel. very cool and modern
looking. reminds me of crazy sci fi movies.

I like ike

here I am at the highest tunnel in the US - the eisenhower tunnel just
west of Denver. it was made in the 60's and 70's as part of the
interstate highway system. president eisenhower was an engineer and
got the project going. it is amazing that there are such wonderful
roads in the USA. we rock!


here i am at the border of colorado. it is cloudy today and it was
raining earlier. it is more hilly now, but there aren't many trees
anymore and the vegetation is not very green. it is more brown and
straw colored. there are only trees near the streams and low points. I
know large mountains are just up ahead! we are also happy that the
speed limit is 75 in this state.

day #13

stayed in Omaha last night. heading for the four corners region
tonight. here I am with Nebraska in the background. it is kinda flat
here with trees. it is mostly green, bit not quite as green as


we've come 3,716 miles so far. leaving now for California. should make
it to Nebraska tonight, but maybe not since the I-80 is closed in Iowa
due to all the flooding there. hope all the bunnies are ok.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

day 12 - father's day

here I am in orlands hills, day 12 of our trip. we are packing and
getting ready to leave this aftenoon. there have been cool rainstorms
this morning. it I'd raining on our car right now. it never rains like
this in California. I wish it did...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

waterfall glen

this morning we went to waterfall glen for a run before a wedding we
are going to tonight. it is a neat crushed limestone path that goes on
for 9.5 miles around Argonne national laboratories. here I am in front
a cool well the Anne and joe used to rinse off after they ran. neat


hey everyone! here I am at a cool wedding. joe's cousin, melissa, got
married today. it was very beautiful. we hung out for a few dances and
are heading home now to get ready for our big day tomorrow when we
drive back to California. here I am at our table, #10.

Friday, June 13, 2008

on the way to grandma's house

here I am with some cool peonies from grandma laura's yard. they are
pink, like me. we are taking them to joe's grandma, misty. another
nice day! I like peonies.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

downtown Chicago!

went downtown to see joe's sister, amy. here I am looking out on the
city from her cool apartment. I like the city lights, but there aren't
many bunnies around.

day nine - south side of chicago

hanging out in Chicagoland today. we had a lot of dirt on the car.
here I am at the carwash with my new summer coat that Anne made for me
yesterday. it is nice because it is lighter for the hot summer days

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

welcome to Illinois

we just crossed into Illinois and decided to turn around and stop at
the rest area back in Wisconsin on the border. here I am in front of
the welcome sign, close up. it is a much better picture than the one
we took on the run entering wisconsin from minnesota. I like wisconsin!

cool watertower

here I am with a cool watertower with a boat on it. anne's uncle al
designed of and painted it. it must be very scary way up high!


here I am with a very large dinosaur in the background while getting
gas. neat.

more flooding

on our way to Chicago, we stopped at lake delton in Wisconsin. a few
days ago, an embankment that formed the lake eroded away and drained
the whole 270 acre lake. there is only a stream left. it may take a
long time before the earthen embankment is repaired and the town can
get back to doing waterskiing shows. it has destroyed a few homes. you
can see a part of a damaged home and where the stream formed way in
the background to the right. I hope all the creatures are ok.

Wisconsin snow, II!

back in December 2007, I took a cool picture in a snowbank. here I am
in the same location with green trees and a farm field in the
background. I like the change of seasons here.


we are on the road again, heading for chicago and joe's family.
stopped at culvers for a bite to eat. I like culvers and so does anne.
we are waiting for order #16.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

norske nook

here I am in downtown osseo. we just ate at the norske nook with the
entire family. after we got done and stepped outside, the sun was
setting and the light was very beautiful. here I am in the light
outside of an old tavern building.

trains and snowplows

here I am in merrillan outside of Thompson motors. the noon train is
going through town. there are 16 cars of sand from Blair heading to
Saudi Arabia and six cars of furniture from ashley furnitute in
Arcadia on the train. uncle al works at Ashley. you can see the old
J-10 that grandpa al uses to plow snow in the winter.

Monday, June 9, 2008

reading and resting

after five long days on the road, I'm doing some reading and relaxing
in merrillan. it is nice to be here.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


here I am at the wildcat supper club outside of neillsville, wi. after
our long trip across the country, we came to eat here with the
thompsons. don't worry about me - these creatures won't eat me. they
are real, but stuffed like me.

almost there

here I am getting off of I-94. we have been travelling on that road
for miles (and days!). it is starting to rain a bit. neat day.

welcome to Wisconsin!

we just crossed into Wisconsin! here I am in front of the "welcome to
Wisconsin" sign. it was a hard shot to get, but qe did it! it is a
very near sign -the coolest state welcome sign I've ever seen! some
states don't even have a welcome sign! I like I'd here.

purple cadi

stopped in minneapolis for gas and saw this purple cadillac. grandma
thompson would love it! almost to Wisconsin!

space aliens

we are getting closer! stopped in Fargo for gas. here I am at the
space alien bar and grill by the gas station. things are much
different now - there are no more mountains, but there are lots of
trees and green things growing.

morning - day four

we. grabbed a quick nap in glendive, mt and hit the road early today.
you can see the outline of my ears. there isn't a cloud in the sky and
Venus is out. haven't seen Venus for awhile. there is something very
neat about travelling on the night - there aren't many people out and
you feel like the world is yours!

another rainbow

between billings and boseman I spied another rainbow! beautiful!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

continental divide

just grabbed some mcdonalds in butte and crossed the continental
divide. behind me are the tobacco root mountains. they look neat with
snow on top. there are lots of cattle grazing on the sides of the road.

carl's place

here we are at carl's place. you can see the house and swan lake
behind me. it is very beautiful here. I'm sure lots of creatures
(including bunnies!) live here. heading to Wisconsin now.