Sunday, December 27, 2009

Baking, too...

Here I am with some of the cookies that Anne and I created and
decorated. We are using LT's sugar cookie recipe. It wasn't quite as
fun and baking/decorating with LT, Kathy, and Alan, but still fun. I
like baking, too!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Day after Xmas

It is the day after Christmas and Joe had to go all the way out to El
Centro to work. Anne and I are making a scrambled egg treat for the
doggies, and came across a double-yolk - you don't see that everyday!
I like cooking.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Astro's new sweater

Hi everyone - here I am with Astro on Christmas Day. She looks so nice
in her new sweater! If you carefully, you can see Orion behind my
ears, too - he is being crazy and playing with Joe. I like Christmas
Day with the family!

Christmas Day run @ Santa Rosa plateau

Here I am in the hummer. Joe and anne just got done running 5.5 miles
in the southern portion of the Santa rosa plateau county park. I have
been observing the hikers on the trail, as well as the wildlife
visiting the vernal pools, from the truck in the new parking lot. What
a nice day! If you look closely, you can see Joe in the background...÷H

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Here I am by our tree on Christmas eve! All the presents look so nice
and the tree that Joe did is awesome! We are just about to open
presents. I love opening presents!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Supper is on!

Hey everyone - hanging out with anne and the doggies today while Joe
is working. After doing some Xmas shopping for joe, we made some beef
stew in our new pot. We may make some cookies later. I like cooking
with anne!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Merry Christmas from the California Arts Center in Escondido!

Here I am, leaving the show. All around the grounds of the arts
center, there are neat lights and decorations. Here I am with a cool
snowman that is being projected on the side of the building. It is a
very cool place here. It has given me some ideas for decorating when
we get our house built!


Here I am at the surprise show! Joe and I were very good at keeping a
secret and anne was very surprised! The guys that do mystery science
theater 3000 are on stage (Mike j Nelson, Bill Corbett, & Kevin
Murphy), along with wierd al yankovic. They made funny commentary to
old Christmas shorts. We laughed very hard! It was a very fun surprise!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Reflections on a bunny

Here I am on the shuttle bus heading from LAX to our car parking in
lot B. It is actually a picture of me reflected in the glass of the
bus. You can tell because my ears are going the other way. Lots of
interesting characters on the bus. Glad to be back safely!

Ennesser Christmas

Here I am under Dad Ennesser's Christmas tree. I am sitting on the
presents that Anne and I brought with on the plane trip. It is so
wintry and festive in Chicago and Wisconsin. I love it here with all
the snow and lights! Can't wait to decorate our cool house someday.
Heading to the airport to fly back to California now.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Here I am with a cool antler on my head. I look like a jacklope! Alan
found the antler the first time he came to our property to help us mow
the weeds and it has been sitting on the top of the hill ever since.
We just went to the top of the hill and found it again. It looks like
some creatures have been eating away at it. I like hanging out with
uncle al and being crazy like this.

Cool Xmas tree!

Here I am in downtown Black River Falls outside of moe's hardware
where Alan and I spied this cool white Xmas tree with green
decorations. I think it is awesome! Maybe we can have one like that on
top of our hill someday if Joe likes it!

In the kitchen with mom

Here I am in LT's kitchen. We are making and decorating next Christmas
cookies for the church to give out and for us to eat! It is a lot of
fun to listen to Christmas songs and hang out with LT, Kathy, Alan,
and baby Marcus and decorate!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Drilling done

Drilling is done now. Anne and I just walked up the hill together and
walked around the property a bit. Here I am looking out on the fresh
snow and the low winter sun. This place is awesome!

First hole!

Here I am with the drill rig behind me digging the first hole! It is
very exciting to be here to observe that! Wish Joe could be here, too.
I'm glad the guys didn't have any problems getting up the hill. I love
working on our house!

Winter sun

Here I am at our property. Today we are doing some exploratory
drilling on top of the hill where our new house will go. The drillers
are at the bottom of the hill right now putting chains on the drill
rig so they can make it up the hill. They just made it right now! Yeah!

Here I am looking to the southeast @ about 11 am. You can see the low
winter sun behind the tree. It is going to be so cool!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Just arrived in merrillan and snapped a cool picture of me near the
dashboard. You can see the temperature is -3 degrees! It actually was
-8, and rose up to -3 by the time we got the picture. The car also
thinks there is not enough window washer fluid, but it is full - it
must be frozen like the lock! Hope all the bunnies are staying warm!

Public Storage

Hey everyone! The flight was well above average and arrived early.
Joe's dad even beat us there. Got our stuff and headed to the storage
facility to get the allroad. About three hours after getting to the
storage facility, we headed to Wisconsin...long story short, the lock
was frozen and took a very long time to figure that out and get a guy
to torch it to thaw it so we could open it. Then the car battery was
dead! Good thing joe's dad was there to help us out!

Here i am outside the garage after we got the car out. It is very
cold! Around 5 degrees with a steady wind - goos thing i have a very
nice warm wool winter coat. Got some drive thru starbucks (so we
didn't have to shut the car off) and made it to merrillan at 11:53 pm.
I like road trip adventures!


Here I am at LAX. If you look closely, you can see our green bags
behind me as they wait to go through security. This is my first time
to LAX - Joe doesn't like this airport, but Anne does. Maybe it is
because it reminds her of visiting Joe when they first met and Joe
lived in isn't so bad.

I had an ok trip through security today, no manhandling, but as I am
doing my observing, I really wonder what half of the TSA employees are
doing all day long. I don't think they'd last long working for Anne or

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Bunni van

Hey everyone - we are out and about on a Sunday morning. Dropped the
doggies off at petsmart to get their haircut, then we went to
starbucks, stopped at lowes for some screws to mount a new backup
camera, drove to the box springs mountain park parking lot at the top
of the mountain, washed the H2, and now we are at pepboys. What a busy
morning already! When we pulled in, we noticed we were parked right
next to "bunni vn" - here I am by the license plate. It is cool that
you can see my shadow on the bumper - neat! I like running errands
with anne & joe!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Turkey day!

Hi everyone! Here I am in our kitchen with our turkey behind me. He is
done roasting now. Hope everyone is having a good day. I like turkey
day because I get to spend the day with Anne and Joe! Doggies are
having a good day, too - they really like the smell of the turkey!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Diamond lake

Hey everyone - our road trip is coming to an end now. We are heading
down CA 243 to banning/Beaumont now. Here we are on the side of the
road looking west down onto the valley. You can see diamond valley
lake, which has been recently upgraded to a larger dam/reservoir. As
I've let you know before, I like dams!


Continuing on with our road trip, we are now in idyllwild. As we were
driving through downtown we came across a sign for "astrocamp" - I
wonder if they'd let astro attend? Maybe it is a camp to learn about
the stars!?! We will have to look it up when we get home.

PiƱon Flats Transfer Station

Here I am at the piñon flats transfer station - it was the only trash
facility in the county that Anne hadn't been to. What a beautiful spot
for a drop off station! And when we got there, we ran into one of
anne's coworkers, Rob, doing an inspection of the facility. What are
the chances of that!

Coachella Valley Vista Point

Taking the palms to pines hwy (I think that us what it is called) from
palm springs to idyllwild. Also known as CA hwy 74. Looking out over
the coachella valley from around 2,300'! I love road trips!

Telescope camping again

Here I am with astro in our tent. Anne and Joe took off work and we
camped in Joshua tree last night to see the Leonids meteor shower. It
was new moon, so very dark. It was cold - anne, astro, and I snuggled
up in one sleeping bag and Joe/Orion did in another. Another fun time
was had by all!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloweenie!

Happy Halloweenie everyone! It is our first Halloween with the
doggies. Here I am with Astro - she is a chicken. I decided to be a
ghost again because I love this costume Anne sewed for me. Astro's
chicken head has a hard time staying on straight and looks kinda
funny. Orion doesn't want a costume - he would just eat it off,
anyway. I love Halloween!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Cottonwood springs camping

Went to cottonwood springs in Joshua tree again last night to use the
telescope. It was probably one of the darkest and clearest nights in a
long time, but unfortunately, a group of around 20 high school/college
kids rolled in around 10 pm. They each had a very bright light and
they also started a campfire directly upwind from us. It really ruined
out night vision. They were loud and obnoxious, too, but that didn't
hurt our seeing, just annoyed us.

All in all, it was still very fun just to be out there and hang out
with Joe, Anne, Astro, and Orion. We found a new neat item - M103,
otherwise known as the Christmas tree, in Casseopia. It has the most
beautiful red star in it that looks like a bulb on a christmas tree.
Very excellant!

Here I am as we were leaving the next morning, on Saturday. We are
about halfway between the campground and the 10 freeway on the access
road that follows a drainage/wash. If you look closely, you can see a
tiny squirrel type creature on the rock to the right of the flat rock
in the wash. It is neat out here!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Phoenix airport

We are on the last leg of our trip. Here I am at the Phoenix Airport
with Astro and Orion. They were very good on the flight from Chicago
to Phoenix. They were in their travel bags for 5 1/2 hours and didn't
make a sound - even when the 2-yr old sitting across from us was
screaming her head off! It was a great and successful trip. Can't wait
to do it again!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cheese mouse

Hi everyone - just got done meeting with the architect. Came up with
some pretty cool concepts - mainly a diving board/plank/train truessle
idea. A very long house with cool views. Afterwards, we stopped at
Perkins to eat in black river falls. Here I am in the perkin's parking
lot with the cheese mouse. We kinda have the same look going, except I
am pink and he is gray. I really love it here and can't wait to hang
in our new house!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bruce Mound Winter Sports Area

Hi everyone! Here I am in Wisconsin outside of Merrillan in and near
the Bruce Mound Winter Sports Area. In one if the pictures, you can
see me with the new chair lift in the background. Joe & Anne donated
$3,000 to help fund the construction. Their names are listed on the
neat donor plaque in the new chalet. If you look closely, you can see
their names.

Alan's friend, Loren, is getting married at the top of the mound today. It is very beautiful, but cold and windy today - about 36 degrees!

The fall colors are very beautiful here right now! I can't wait to live here someday and watch the colors every year with all the other bunnies!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Crossing into Minnesota!

Getting close now. It finally stopped raining after we got passed Des
moines. We went to a neat park there and let the doggies run around a
bit. Here I am about a mile from Minnesota with some really neat trees
that have leaves that have turned a brilliant color of red. I am going
to see if Joe/anne can make sure we have these types of trees in the
bunny sanctuary on our property.

Platte river

Starting off on the last leg of our journey. Here I am with the Platte
River behind me somewhere between Lincoln and Omaha. We arrived in
Lincoln last night at 1pm CST, or 3 pm local time! All of our hard
work the first two days had paid off now as we have an easy day today
- only about 500 miles. Hopefully we will be at our property around 5
to 5:30, then on to mom and dad's.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

More snow

Couldn't resist another snow picture. It was so beautiful! The sun was
shining on a completely snow-covered peak with dark clouds behind. I
love snow! Just 18 minutes to the Eisenhower tunnel!

Snow on the mountains already

Heading towards Denver - near Avon. You can see the early snow on the
mountains and the cool yellow leaves on the trees. I love it!

Fall colors Colorado style

Stopped for a quick break in glenwood springs. It is a nice little
town with the white river running through it. There were a lot of cool
trees changing colors - lots of yellow ones. Can't wait until we get
to our property!

Rabbit Valley!

We just crossed in to Colorado and lo and behold there was Rabbit
Valley! We never noticed it before in our travels...seems like a
really nice place, but maybe a little to brown for my liking. Still

Thompson Springs

Here we are, still in Utah. I thought grandpa Al would like to know we
were passing by Thompson Springs - you can see the name on the sign.
This is a cool picture as you can see my reflection! Getting hungry
now - will probably eat in grand junction. Trip going great!

Ghost rock rest stop

Here I am with Orion in the middle of nowhere utah. We are between
green river and salinas - a stretch of I-15 that goes for over 100
miles with no services. We stopped at a rest area at a place called
ghost rock to take a break. The doggies really liked it here. Orion
looks very funny in this picture - Joe was holding him up in the air.
It looks like we modified the picture and stretched out his head, but
we didn't! If you look closely, you can see astro roaming the ground
between us. You can also see I-15 heading northeast behind us, too! It
was a fun stop.

Fire on the mointain

Judy north of cedar city and their is a controlled burn going on.
Hopefully it works as a good preventative measure that keeps the
people and creatures safe!

Cedar city

Good morning! Here I am in our hotel room in cedar city, ut with
astro! We made it here at 12:22 am (1:22 am - mountain time) last
night. On our way to lincoln, nebreaska tonight! I love to travel!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Here we go!!!

On the next big road trip to Wisconsin/Chicago! Here I am in our
parking lot at our condo on Tuesday night as the sun is going down.
Hopefully we be in cedar city by midnight. Starting odometer: 49290. I
love road trips!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Nine Mile Canyon Road

Coming home from camping, looking over the China Lake/Ridgecrest area,
and heading down a scary mountain road, Nine Mile Canyon Road. Don't
miss that left turn! There are no guard rails and at one point it
narrows down to one lane. It is pretty much steep and scary for nine
miles until you reach a flatter meadow area. I love driving around and
observing in the H2!

Kennedy Meadows

Hey everyone - here I am camping again. This time we went to a place
called Kennedy Meadows. It is in the southern Sierras, about halfway
to mammoth for us. We drove the H2, and were able to take all of our
camping gear, all the telescope gear, and the doggies! I love camping!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Montana de Oro state park

Here i am on the coast at the montana de oro state park near San Luis
obispo. It is very cool and cloudy here - much different than
riverside! I bet it is like this much of the time! You can see the
cool cove and breakers hitting the beach behind me. Joe and Anne just
went for a run on the coon creek trail. What s neat day! I love
travelling to new places!


Here I am at a gas station in San Luis Obispo. Don't worry, the bear
is not real and I am not in danger - it is just a neat painting on the
side of the gas station. Do you like how I am striking a pose like
him? You can also see the bear on my bear bag. It was a good photo
opp. I like how nice and cool it is here. What a nice change from
Riverside where it has been over 100 degrees every day lately!

Ash on the Mountains

Hey everyone - we are taking a trip today up north to San Luis obispo.
We are selling our 18" UC telescope to a guy from Stanford. We are
meeting is interesting to note the mountains by mt. Baldy
- it looks like there is snow on the mountains, but I think it is just
smoke and ash from the fires. I hope the bunnies are ok. They are
generally pretty smart and they can run fast, so I think so!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Hanging out with astro

Here we are on a hot august morning, chillin in our cool pad. Astro
loves hanging with me. What a nice place to be when it is so hot