Sunday, August 30, 2009

Montana de Oro state park

Here i am on the coast at the montana de oro state park near San Luis
obispo. It is very cool and cloudy here - much different than
riverside! I bet it is like this much of the time! You can see the
cool cove and breakers hitting the beach behind me. Joe and Anne just
went for a run on the coon creek trail. What s neat day! I love
travelling to new places!


Here I am at a gas station in San Luis Obispo. Don't worry, the bear
is not real and I am not in danger - it is just a neat painting on the
side of the gas station. Do you like how I am striking a pose like
him? You can also see the bear on my bear bag. It was a good photo
opp. I like how nice and cool it is here. What a nice change from
Riverside where it has been over 100 degrees every day lately!

Ash on the Mountains

Hey everyone - we are taking a trip today up north to San Luis obispo.
We are selling our 18" UC telescope to a guy from Stanford. We are
meeting is interesting to note the mountains by mt. Baldy
- it looks like there is snow on the mountains, but I think it is just
smoke and ash from the fires. I hope the bunnies are ok. They are
generally pretty smart and they can run fast, so I think so!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Hanging out with astro

Here we are on a hot august morning, chillin in our cool pad. Astro
loves hanging with me. What a nice place to be when it is so hot

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Jackrabbit trail

Hi everyone - Joe, Anne, Astro, Orion, and I are on our way to check
out a new 18" telescope in Scottsdale. We are about 15 miles outside
of Phoenix on the 10 freeway when we came across an exit for
jackrabbit trail. Anne was able to time it just right and got a
picture of the off ramp sign between two big semi trucks in the right
lane. It has been a great trip so far! The doggies have been very
good. Maybe this is a good training trip for an airplane flight in