Sunday, December 27, 2009

Baking, too...

Here I am with some of the cookies that Anne and I created and
decorated. We are using LT's sugar cookie recipe. It wasn't quite as
fun and baking/decorating with LT, Kathy, and Alan, but still fun. I
like baking, too!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Day after Xmas

It is the day after Christmas and Joe had to go all the way out to El
Centro to work. Anne and I are making a scrambled egg treat for the
doggies, and came across a double-yolk - you don't see that everyday!
I like cooking.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Astro's new sweater

Hi everyone - here I am with Astro on Christmas Day. She looks so nice
in her new sweater! If you carefully, you can see Orion behind my
ears, too - he is being crazy and playing with Joe. I like Christmas
Day with the family!

Christmas Day run @ Santa Rosa plateau

Here I am in the hummer. Joe and anne just got done running 5.5 miles
in the southern portion of the Santa rosa plateau county park. I have
been observing the hikers on the trail, as well as the wildlife
visiting the vernal pools, from the truck in the new parking lot. What
a nice day! If you look closely, you can see Joe in the background...÷H

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Here I am by our tree on Christmas eve! All the presents look so nice
and the tree that Joe did is awesome! We are just about to open
presents. I love opening presents!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Supper is on!

Hey everyone - hanging out with anne and the doggies today while Joe
is working. After doing some Xmas shopping for joe, we made some beef
stew in our new pot. We may make some cookies later. I like cooking
with anne!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Merry Christmas from the California Arts Center in Escondido!

Here I am, leaving the show. All around the grounds of the arts
center, there are neat lights and decorations. Here I am with a cool
snowman that is being projected on the side of the building. It is a
very cool place here. It has given me some ideas for decorating when
we get our house built!


Here I am at the surprise show! Joe and I were very good at keeping a
secret and anne was very surprised! The guys that do mystery science
theater 3000 are on stage (Mike j Nelson, Bill Corbett, & Kevin
Murphy), along with wierd al yankovic. They made funny commentary to
old Christmas shorts. We laughed very hard! It was a very fun surprise!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Reflections on a bunny

Here I am on the shuttle bus heading from LAX to our car parking in
lot B. It is actually a picture of me reflected in the glass of the
bus. You can tell because my ears are going the other way. Lots of
interesting characters on the bus. Glad to be back safely!

Ennesser Christmas

Here I am under Dad Ennesser's Christmas tree. I am sitting on the
presents that Anne and I brought with on the plane trip. It is so
wintry and festive in Chicago and Wisconsin. I love it here with all
the snow and lights! Can't wait to decorate our cool house someday.
Heading to the airport to fly back to California now.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Here I am with a cool antler on my head. I look like a jacklope! Alan
found the antler the first time he came to our property to help us mow
the weeds and it has been sitting on the top of the hill ever since.
We just went to the top of the hill and found it again. It looks like
some creatures have been eating away at it. I like hanging out with
uncle al and being crazy like this.

Cool Xmas tree!

Here I am in downtown Black River Falls outside of moe's hardware
where Alan and I spied this cool white Xmas tree with green
decorations. I think it is awesome! Maybe we can have one like that on
top of our hill someday if Joe likes it!

In the kitchen with mom

Here I am in LT's kitchen. We are making and decorating next Christmas
cookies for the church to give out and for us to eat! It is a lot of
fun to listen to Christmas songs and hang out with LT, Kathy, Alan,
and baby Marcus and decorate!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Drilling done

Drilling is done now. Anne and I just walked up the hill together and
walked around the property a bit. Here I am looking out on the fresh
snow and the low winter sun. This place is awesome!

First hole!

Here I am with the drill rig behind me digging the first hole! It is
very exciting to be here to observe that! Wish Joe could be here, too.
I'm glad the guys didn't have any problems getting up the hill. I love
working on our house!

Winter sun

Here I am at our property. Today we are doing some exploratory
drilling on top of the hill where our new house will go. The drillers
are at the bottom of the hill right now putting chains on the drill
rig so they can make it up the hill. They just made it right now! Yeah!

Here I am looking to the southeast @ about 11 am. You can see the low
winter sun behind the tree. It is going to be so cool!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Just arrived in merrillan and snapped a cool picture of me near the
dashboard. You can see the temperature is -3 degrees! It actually was
-8, and rose up to -3 by the time we got the picture. The car also
thinks there is not enough window washer fluid, but it is full - it
must be frozen like the lock! Hope all the bunnies are staying warm!

Public Storage

Hey everyone! The flight was well above average and arrived early.
Joe's dad even beat us there. Got our stuff and headed to the storage
facility to get the allroad. About three hours after getting to the
storage facility, we headed to Wisconsin...long story short, the lock
was frozen and took a very long time to figure that out and get a guy
to torch it to thaw it so we could open it. Then the car battery was
dead! Good thing joe's dad was there to help us out!

Here i am outside the garage after we got the car out. It is very
cold! Around 5 degrees with a steady wind - goos thing i have a very
nice warm wool winter coat. Got some drive thru starbucks (so we
didn't have to shut the car off) and made it to merrillan at 11:53 pm.
I like road trip adventures!


Here I am at LAX. If you look closely, you can see our green bags
behind me as they wait to go through security. This is my first time
to LAX - Joe doesn't like this airport, but Anne does. Maybe it is
because it reminds her of visiting Joe when they first met and Joe
lived in isn't so bad.

I had an ok trip through security today, no manhandling, but as I am
doing my observing, I really wonder what half of the TSA employees are
doing all day long. I don't think they'd last long working for Anne or