Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Another jackrabbit

We are on the east side of Arizona between hollbrook and winslow. We
passed an exit that had a VERY large jackrabbit on the side of their
building. If you look closely, you can see the black jackrabbit on the
white building. My breathern are everywhere!

Welcome to New Mexico!

We are making slow and steady progress. Just arrived in New Mexico.
Here I am in front of the welcome sign. It is bright outside, and I am
in the shade, so you can only see my outline. Amarillo was flatter
than Nebraska! As we enter New Mexico, it is getting neater outside
with some hills and mesas off in the distance.

Arch, part II

One more picture of the arch in St. Louis. It was designed by the
famous architect, Eero Saarinen in 1947, but not built until 1963/65.
It is 630' high and the same distance at its base. Because of the
shape, it seems to be taller than it is wide. This picture is neat
because it is more edge on and the arch appears long and tall, like my

Monday, April 26, 2010


Made it to Amarillo! Here I am with a cool quarter horse outside of
our hotel. The quarter horse museum is just down the street...time for
some rest now.

Gateway to the West

That is definitely where we are headed! Can you guess where I am? We
are just about to cross the Mississippi into St Loius. Here I am with
the very large arch, known as the 'Gateway to the West' along with the
downtown area of St. Loius in the background. Our trip seems to be
going fast today. Nice and cloudy, so it isn't too bright outside.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Downtown Chicago

Driving back to Joe's Dad's house now. We decided to take the scenic
route through downtown because there is bad traffic on the interstate.
I took a lot of pictures, but this one looks kinda neat through the
sunroof at some tall buildings. It is cloudy snd rainy today. I love
it when the weather is like this! Chicago is a cool town.

New home for Tim & Julie!

Hey everyone! Here I am in a town called Glencoe, a little to the
north of Chicago. I am out front of a new home that Joe's brother,
Tim, will probably purchase for him and his wife, Julie. They are
expecting a baby boy within the next month. It is very large and well
built. Quite a different style than what Joe and Anne are planning to
build, still modern in it's own way with nice amenities like a sauna,
wine cellar, theater, fireplaces, and awesome appliances/cabinets/
showers. We are very happy for them and can't wait to stop back to
visit after the baby is born. His name will be Nikoli.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lake Home

Here I am in Stoughton, WI outside of a lake home that our architect
designed. After Joe and anne met with the architect for about 5 hours,
the architect brought us over for a site visit so we could look over
some of the detailing and materials. You can see a cool part of the
silver, triangular, sloped roof to the right of the picture. Pretty
neat place! I can't wait for our home to be built!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Crazy canyon!

Just got done with our first day on our property and decided to drive
down both sides of the black river to see all the land we look out at
from our place. We happened upon this really cool canyon that must
have been carved by the glaciers and river. It is like a wide slot
canyon you see out west, only a little wider at the bottom. Very
steep! If you look way to the distance, you can see where the stream
enters the black river. Neat!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Gold Dome

Here I am in Des Moine with a cool gold dome in the background! We
tried to snap it on our last road trip, but missed it. Almost missed
it again, but caught it at the last moment. I usually don't like gold
things, but I like this a lot.

Purple Tree!

Here I am on the grounds of the cool church. Behind me you will see
the most beautiful pink/purple trees I have ever seen! There are also
limestone walls and pathways that add to the overall awesomeness of
this place. I let Joe and Anne know we should probably have a few of
whatever kind of tree this is on our property. I think LT would love
them! I know I do.

Close Up of Holy Family Shrine

LT, I know we didn't make it back to Wisconsin in time to go to church
with you today, but we made it to the Holy Family Shrine Church! It is
so beautiful! We hope to bring you here someday as I believe you will
think it is the most awesome, calm, spiritual place!

Coolest church in the world!

Here I am a few miles west of Omaha, Nebraska off the side of the
I-80 interstate. I am near the town of Gretna, Nebraska. Last time
we drove through, we saw this cool church and have been looking
for it on this trip. You can see it high on the hill behind me.
It is very beautiful!

North Platte

Stayed in North Platte last night @ the Holiday Inn Express. We are
finding these are all new hotels, they all allow doggies, and they are
reasonably priced. We got there just a little before midnight last
night (California time, that is). Got up this morning, and got some
gas at the Conoco station with a 'Fat Dogs' restaurant inside. We
thought the doggie in the sign looked like Orion, so we took a picture
with him. Then I decided to take a picture, too. Not much longer and
we will be there!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Window Tinting?

Here I am in the middle of Utah - mile marker 99 to be exact! We just
got pulled over by a state Trooper for having too dark of window
tinting on our car. We explained that we were from California and
installed whatever was legal there. The Trooper informed us that ALL
window tinting was illegal in California and proceeded to check the
windows. Anne quickly looked it up on her iPhone and discovered that
is IS legal in California up to 70%. At that time, the Trooper
informed us that he was going to give us a verbal warning. We decided
not to correct the Trooper and happily accepted the verbal warning.
Anne's brother, Alan, wasn't so lucky and actually received a ticket
for the same thing in Iowa a few years ago.

At any rate, the whole thing caused us to stop at this cool place and
take a break and some pictures with Joe's new camera. I love road
trips, have I let you know that yet?

I-15 & I-70 junction - part II

Here I am just one mile down the road from the last post. We just went
over a pass of 7,180'. Now we are looking to the east at some bigger
mountains with more snow on them. I love snow!

I-15 & I-70 split - part I

Here i am, looking down on the valley where the I-15 travels north
towards Salt Lake City. We just turned off onto I-70 and are now
heading towards Denver. Stayed in Cedar City, UT last night and got
some rest. Ended up staying in the same room of the same hotel as last
trip! Nice day to travel!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Las Vegas again

So here I am in Las Vegas. You may wonder why, as I was supposed to
fly to Chicago today. Well we got to the airport right on time, but
the angry (and large) ladies at the ticket counter deemed Astro and
Orion too big to fly, even though it has been fine on Southwest in the
past. After having about seven different employees 'review' the
doggies, they sent us packing. Anne was pretty upset. She deemed the
ladies at the counter too large to fly, too...after sitting on the
curb very upset for awhile, Joe reminded her how lucky we are and came
up with plan B.

So we just decided to hop in the A3 and do an adventure with the whole
family. That is how I ended up in Las Vegas. I know the picture is
kinda blurry, but that is how I always feel in Las Vegas! I love road
trip adventures! I just know something really cool is going to happen!
Here we go!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy b-day, part II

Cupcakes are done now...here I am with four of the bunny-cakes. We
also have a festive Easter towel that I like because the bunnies and
chicks are neat! I love Easter!

Happy b-day!!!

Happy birthday to me! Today is my fourth b-day here with the
Ennesser's! Our family has grown since I arrived and now we have astro
and Orion...next to me is Orion. We are keeping watch over the yummy
bunny cupcakes that are baking - these are my little b-day cakes this
year. Smells good!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Torrey Pines Sunset

Hi everyone - here I am at Torrey Pines state reserve enjoying a
beautiful sunset with Anne and Joe. The sun peeked out from under the
clouds just before setting behind the ocean. I love sunsets!

Bunny blog on the iPad!

Here I am with the iPad and my website in the background! We are
hanging in the Hummer and seeing all it can do. We have the e-mails
working now and went out on the Internet and looked at a few pages.
Also looked at the latest plans for the house - very nice!

Unboxing the iPad

Here we are unboxing Joe's iPad at the apple store so we could
activate it. It only took a few seconds and we were ready to go. It
already was 90% charged so that was nice. We are now using it with
Joe's mifi card and it is very nice! The screen is beautiful and it is
fast. Kayboard is nice, too. I like the iPad!


Here I am outside the apple store @ Victoria Gardens in Rancho
Cucamonga. We are here to get Joe's iPad! There is a short line for
those that didn't reserve one or had it ordered and shipped to their
homes. If you look closely, you can see Joe talking to the apple
employee to get us whisked to the front of the line. How exciting!