Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hello from the Salton Sea

I'm out traveling the desert east of Palm Springs with Joe today.
We're just leaving the Salton Sea which is a very strange place. We
stopped at a beach covered with dead fish and bones (near the North
Shore Yacht Club), then went to Bombay Beach and explored and
abandoned home. It's been a very strange trip indeed so far but Joe
says that our next stop in Joshua Tree National Park should be a
little more nature friendly.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Gate G20

Hey everyone - taking a rest with Astro at the gate to fly back to San
Diego. Got here around 9:15, so we had plenty of time. Took 45 minutes
to get our bags checked, then took the doggies out to the snowfilled
pet area. Got through security just fine, but then found our flight
was delayed 50 minutes because of bad weather in San Diego - how
strange is that! Funny how Minneapolis has all kinds of snow and
freezing rain and life goes on unphased by it all. Not much longer to
go now!

Snow loader in LT's driveway

Here we are on Tuesday morning, getting ready to head to the airport
in Minneapolis. Our flight leaves at 11:35, but we are leaving at 5:30
because of the snow and freezing drizzle. It has not gotten above
freezing the whole time we have been here. The ground is super cold,
but some of the precipitation is warm and watery, especially near
Minneapolis, causing slick roads and treacherous travel conditions.
Weird to have to wait for the snow loader to get out of your own
driveway at 5:30 am!


Our last day on our trip and Joe and Anne decided to snowshoe up to
the top of the property. It is so beautiful up here! There is over two
feet of snow on the ground - the lightest and puffiest that I've ever
seen - even snowboarding in Utah! Good thing I have a hat! It is cold
and windy! It has just started to snow again and an eerie cloud/fog
has moved in. Installing the project picture cams today. I love it up
here, especially in the snow!


At the Ennesser Christmas party at Joe's Dad's Sister's place. Her
name is Dawn. Almost the whole family is here and the food was
delicious! The whole time, the family dog, Valerie, was chillin in the
kitchen and did not cause any problems. He is quite possibly the
calmest and largest dog I have ever seen! I like doggies!

Cozy Orion

Getting up on Sunday and snapped this shot of Orion. He really does
not like the snow and cold weather and finds any cozy and warm spot he
can when inside. He really likes the couch and comforter at Joe's
Dad's place. You almost can't see him in there!

Christmas Story

Here I am on Saturday night hanging out at Joe's Dad's place. We are
getting in the Christmas spirit and watching holiday movies. Can you
tell which movie is playing? I had forgotten about the bunny scene in
the Christmas Story. Pink and fuzzy, but no relation to me. I like
holiday movies with family.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Neat Ice Crystals

Here I am at Anne's mom/dad's place up in her old bedroom on the top
floor. You can see cool ice crystals that have formed just to the
right of my bunny face. Beyond the window and ice crystals is Halls
Creek and some neat trees along the shore. I miss seeing neat ice

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Target Center

Here we are back in Minneapolis to pick up Joe from his week at work
at Target. Joe is staying at the Graves hotel right across the street
from the Target Center. Just got the car loaded up and heading to CPK
to get mom some Sicilian pizza and then heading to Merrillan.

New Booties

It is now Wednesday afternoon and me, Anne, and Astro have come up to
the station to help dad dig out the cars. You can see them buried in
over two feet of snow behind my ears. You can see Astro with her cute
blue waterproof coat and her new booties. She is not quite sure how to
walk in the booties yet...what a nice, yet cold day. There is no wind,
so it isn't too bad out. Time to get to work!

Chippewa River

Heading from Minneapolis to Merrillan on Tuesday afternoon. We are
outside of Eau Claire, crossing the Chippewa River as the sun is
setting. Such awesome winter sunsets here in Wisconsin! I like it

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

New Booties for Astro

Here I am at dad's shop. You can see all the snow covering the cars -
they got almost 2 feet of snow! You can also see Astro with her new
booties on. The doggies really need them - it was -24 degrees this
morning without the wind chill.

Monday, December 13, 2010

View from the 19th floor

Here I am at our hotel, the Graves. We are on the 19th floor looking
down on the city. Pretty cool - dare I say cold! I look like a
bunny-scraper! Happy to be here where it really feels like Christmas!

Seat 4E

Here we are on Delta flight 2744 from San Diego to Minneapolis. We
just took off and I'm chillin with Astro as she is starting to fall
asleep. The hum of the airplane knocks her right out. We are also
right behind first class, we we have extra legroom!

Joe and the buddy pal are back in seat 11E. Since we got our tickets
at the last minute, we couldn't get seats by each other. I love to

San Diego airport

Here I am at the San Diego airport about to start another adventure!
We checked our bags and I am sitting here on the sidewalk with Astro,
waiting for Orion to pee. Away we go to the great white North!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Snowing in Socal?

Hey everyone - it is snowing in Rancho Cucamonga @ Victoria Gardens
mall! At least it is at the Apple store window...it is actual
sprinkling outside so it is kinda holiday-like outside. I love it when
there is precipitation in southern california. Hope my movie works...

Rainy Day

Hi everyone - it decided to rain today...we didn't think it would
actually happen! Driving out to REI for some shopping. Approaching the
Riverside interchange with Mt. Baldy in the background. Very cool day!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Here I am, doing a FaceTime call with Joe as he is in Minneapolis for
work. If you zoom in, you can see my image in the small window that
shows what Joe sees on his end. You can also see neat etched glass in
the headboard behind Joe.

It is like Joe is right here in the kitchen. Very cool - we don't feel
so far away now! I like facetime!