Sunday, January 9, 2011

Jack Russell Terrier Fun Day!

Here I am in Valley Center, CA at the Southern California Jack Russell
Terrier Club's fun day! Not the best picture, but the only one I have,
so I'm blogging it. Behind me is Joe, Astro, and Orion on a fenced
portion of the park where the doggies can run around off leash. You
can see other people and doggies are in there, too.

Astro ran at least ten races and started to get used to the muzzle and
running down the course after the third race. Orion only did four
races and each time just came out of the gate and tried to take his
muzzle off.

After the doggie fun, went to the beach and Anne and Joe did a fun
trail run. Then we went to Bobalicious. Then we listened to the end of
the Packer game in which they beat the Eagles...what an awesome day!
Now to scratch off the 'year of the rabbit' lottery ticket we have. I
love adventures with the whole family!

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