Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mission Inn

It is Friday night and after the movie, we came down to the Mission
Inn so Joe can take some pictures. Found out that one of the main
players in building/designing the Mission Inn (architect Frank
Miller), originally came from Tomah, Wisconsin. This is very close to
where Anne grew up. Quite interesting. You can learn about some of the
early milestones in the exhibit behind me.

Movie time

Hey everyone - Joe and Anne took me to a movie today! We only go to a
movie in a theater once a year, or maybe every two years...we went to
see Cowboys and Aliens on opening day. It was entertaining. Anne
didn't get the shot of me until the lights went up and and film went
off...she said she will do better next time.

More fishes!

Just got done with our waffle and took a short walk down the
shoreline. This time the fishes are up at Lake Arrowhead. There are so
many fishes right by the shore. And they are very large! Anne's dad
wouldn't believe it!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Waffles and Duckies

Here I am in Lake Arrowhead with Joe and Anne. We decided to come up
to visit the Belgium Waffle Works one last time. This is the view from
our table. Very nice day up here today - around 77 degrees. Behind me,
if you zoom in, you can see duckies in the water. I like duckies!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Terminal #5 - Delta Airlines

Just said goodbye to the folks and Alan. Got here in perfect time! LAX
is such a busy place!

On the way into the airport, we were picked out of the incoming
traffic for a random inspection of our vehicle. The officiers used
mirrors to check out the bottom of our H2 and looked through the bags
in the back. I think they noticed out Minnesota plates an made sure to
tell us 'Welcome to California' - I wonder if they will get searched
again going through security in the airport?

Off to Riverside. Hope the traffic isn't too bad!

Red Rock State Park

No, we aren't near Las Vegas...we are traveling from Mammoth directly
to LAX to drop mom, dad, and Boppers off for their trip back to
Wisconsin. We are on CA-14 driving through Mojave/Palmdale area to get
there and we happened upon Red Rock State Park. All of a sudden, there
were slanted cool rocks of many colors everywhere! Snapped a picture
out the window. All the years we've been in SoCal and we have never
come down this road in the daytime.

The end of our big, awesome road trip is coming soon...we had a great time!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Earthquake Fault!

Stopped to see the large fissure in the earth just outside the main
lodge at Mammoth Mountain. It is only a few feet wide, but very deep.
There is snow at the bottom...I'll bet the sun hardly ever finds it's
way to the bottom of the crack! It is amazing how the earth can have
such strong forces. It can rip a hole in the earth, or cause
mountains to rise from the floor of an ocean, or a glacier can carry
mountains away. Very crazy!

Top of Mammoth Mountain

Rode the gondola up to the top of Mammoth Mountain with Joe, Anne,
Mom, Dad, and Boppers. You can see mountains that are off to the west.
To the left of my ears you can find Mt. Ritter, Mt. Davis, and the
Minerets. To the immediate right of my ears is Donohue Peak. When Joe
and Anne hiked from Yosemite to Mammoth, they hike right by Donohue
Peak, through the Donohue Pass. Very cool!


Came to pickup Dad and Alan and they caught two fishes. You can see
them on a stringer in the water next to me. There are a lot of fishes
here in mammoth lakes!

Carrot Cake

Hanging out with Joe and Anne this morning in out neat condo rental
while Dad and Boppers are fishing. Having some awesome carrot cake!
Life is good when you have carrot cake, especially with a LOT of
orange frosting!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Yosemite Falls

Here we are at Glacier Point, looking down on Yosemite Falls. Very
neat perspective from the high altitude. I made sure that Joe held on
to me very tightly! Beautiful day here...

Another new friend - much larger friend!

Hi everyone! Still in the gift shop at Yosemite. Found a new friend in
a huge bear! He is really smiling now that I am sitting on his paw.
Very cool!

Neat Bunny Coffee Cup

We are in the gift shop in the valley floor and we found a neat coffee
cup, perfect for a bunny like me. Very neat!

Another Thompson Motors?

At the Wawona lookout still and found a license plate frame for
another Thompson Motors Jeep dealer, this one is from Placerville,
California. Funny that it is on a Toyota...

Survey monument

Here we are, still at the Wawona Tunnel. Came upon a neat survey
monument with elevation. Thought it was neat and shiny, and I know
Anne likes survey monuments.

Yosemite Valley again!

What a nice day! Today, we are taking the rest of Anne's family: mom,
dad, and brother, to the park. Now we can say we've brought everyone
in both of Anne and Joe's family here. Awesome!


Yes, the moon is there, you just need to zoom in quite a bit. It is
almost in the center of the picture, just above the tree-line. Alan
pointed it out to us, so we tried a picture. I like celestial objects.

Sad new friend

At the Wawona lookout and I came upon a new friend that was sitting
atop someone's vehicle. It was quite sunny, so maybe that is why he
looks so tired.

Wawona tunnel!

As you know, I am quite a fan of tunnels. Here we are going through
the Wawona tunnel, about to see some really cool scenery in Yosemite.
So excited!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Sunset over Bass Lake

Here we are at Bass Lake...just checked into the Buttercup Lodge. It
is more of a boater/lake place here. The pines lodge is kinda
run-down, but the weather is great! Yosemite is tomorrow. Yeah!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Pines

Snapped this shot when Joe, Dad, and Anne were walking around,
checking the place out. Later on, we went down to the general store
and bought some cards so we could play pinochle. Played two games and
mom/dad won the first and Alan/Anne won the second. Very nice outside.
Can't wait to see Yosemite tomorrow!

On the road again!

Here I am on a Thursday morning, leaving Riverside for a big, awesome
road trip! We are heading to the airport in the H2 to pick up Anne's
mom and dad, and brother. From there, we are heading to Bass Lake,
Yosemite, and Mammoth Lakes.

As we leave Riverside, we are traveling down Magnolia Avenue. If you
look behind me, you will see Riverside Community College, where Joe
went to college before attending UC San Diego. The school has really
expanded considerably since shoe went there...

As you all know, I love road trips! Much more to come!

Friday, July 8, 2011

...Dog on Duty?

Here I am at Angie and Paul's place in Riverside. Paul put up a sign
that says,"...Dog on Duty". Notice that he covered up the word

The doggies are having fun running around and they don't bark too much
- just when they hear other doggies.

It is pretty hot again today. The hummer says 98 right now. It is
Anne's birthday - a big one, number 40! We got up, watched the tour,
ate some eggs, and we are off to the gym because it is too hot to run
outside. Later she has a doctor appt and then off to supper with Angie
and Paul. We are having a good day, but we miss Joe.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th!

Happy 4th, everyone! Here I am in Costa Mesa at a little 4th of July
get-together with some of Paul's surfing buddies. Anne used to surf
with some of them, too, a long time ago before I was her friend. They
are all very nice and fun people. After hanging out under a nice shady
tree and visiting and eating, we are now back in Riverside for the
work week. Go America!

Mariah's Westwind

Anne took the doggies for a long walk this morning, then Paul, Angie,
and Anne went to breakfast at a place called Mariah's Westwind. It was
pretty good. Here I am sitting with them out on the patio in the
filtered sunlight. Another nice day outside in Carlsbad.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

CB's Cupcakes

Here I am on Sunday afternoon with Anne, Paul, and Angie at a cupcake
place in Carlsbad, CB's Cupcakes. We decided to check it out as they
have special doggie cupcakes, too! Both Astro and Orion were good and
ate their dinner, so they got their dessert. They both loved the
cupcakes! What a nice day outside!

Sleepy dog

Here I am with Orion on the patio in Carlsbad. Orion was helping Paul
with gardening, but they are both taking a break now. Very nice day
out. Not too hot, not too cold. I wonder how Joe us doing in

Terra mar - aka Carlsbad State Beach

Here we are at Carlsbad State Beach. This is actually from last night,
but I came back here this morning with Paul and Anne. Paul was going
to go surfing, but the waves were very tiny, so Paul watched the ocean
waves and read a book while Anne and Astro ran 4 miles along the
coast. It was nice and cool and overcast - not super hot and sunny
like Riverside!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Aloha bridge

Here I am on Saturday morning, heading down to Carlsbad with the
Dufresne's. We are on the I-215, just into San Diego county. There is
a cool bridge behind me that Paul calls the 'aloha bridge' -
signifying that you are well on your way to beach living. It is like
the bridge is saying hello, or goodbye if you are heading to
Riverside. I've always liked that bridge driving back and forth to
work with Anne from San Diego. Neat that others like it, too!