Thursday, September 8, 2011

My favorite place to be again

One post I forgot to make this weekend while in Minneapolis - my
updated favorite place to be:-)

I like the new sheets that Joe and Anne picked out! It is quite comfy.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Empty airplane!

At Phoenix - Anne got a Cinnabon and not only do I have my own seat,
but I have my own row! Most empty flight I've ever been on! I love
flying like this!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Rooftop Dining

Here we are on a rooftop near Joe's work. It is called Crave and our
seats look down on the intersection of 9th and Hennepin - right by the
Orpheus Theater. That is where the Minneapolis America's Got Talent
auditions were held. Pretty near place and an another unexpected
surprise today after we didn't get our flight back due to a mechanical
failure. Ended up being a good day, after all! I like rooftop dining
on a perfect weather day!

Giant Target Dog!

One more cool thing we noticed at Target HQ - a giant picture of the
Target Dog! You can see how big he is by scale compared to me and
Joe's hand! The doggie is so Orion-like! If I knew I'd be coming here,
I would've worn my red sweater! I like the target dog...

Great Hall

Here we are at Target headquarters where Joe works. This is the Great
Hall - a huge, hip, lounge that the employees can use. Very cool! The
picture doesn't do it justice...

13 floors up!

One of these things is not like the other - can you tell which one? It
is me - the bunny! We were fortunate to get a guest pass to go with
Joe up to his office as he needed to do a few things for his trip back
to NYC. You can see the convention center, with the green domes,
behind me. Joe tells me that president Obama was here last week and
there were helicopters and secret service people everywhere.

It was too sunny to get a shot to the SW, but the view is awesome
there, too! Maybe I can go to work with Joe sometime and help him like
I do Anne sometimes.

Rustic Mill - destroyed by fire

Here is a blog post I didn't get to yesterday...after we finished
working on our property, we stopped to take a picture of the old
Rustic Mill. This is a mill converted to a restaurant that has been
opened off an on for a number of years. It is only two or three miles
from our property. It reopened last year and we had stopped there
once. I think I posted a blog entry from the big picture window that
was on the creek side of the structure. Unfortunately, it was recently
destroyed by a fire. It was sure convenient! I hope someone rebuilds

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Evidence of a Creature?

At the storage chest on our property, and we discovered some sort of
creature/paw prints on our box, like they were trying to get in...
Very strange! We never figured it out. Alan has captured all kinds of
wildlife captured on webcams on Marty's property, including bears,
quail, etc. Maybe our project cams will catch the creature eventually!

Shelter from the Rain

Here I am, out on the property with Joe and Anne...they cut more brush
and probably another 20 trees today. The view is really opening up!
Three more poplar trees are easily viable now that things are thinned
out and some of the random oak and chokecherry trees are out of the

It rained twice, including right when we were leaving. I found refuge
under the picnic table in Anne's hat, and balancing on Joe's shirt and
Anne's iPad. Neat adventure.

Friday, September 2, 2011

GPS Drive HD

Here I am, riding in the allroad on the way to see the Thompson family
in Wisconsin. Joe has a new app for his iPad called "GPS Drive HD"
that we are testing out. So far it seems pretty cool! I like

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Maybe someday Joe will take me here, or maybe Iceland!?! Neat
indicators they have inlaid here at the Phoenix airport! Time to get
on the next flight!


At the Phoenix airport on the way to see Joe in Minneapolis. There was
a cool creature in the flooring just outside the restroom. I like to