Saturday, July 21, 2012

Fireworks, part II

A still shot of the fireworks...early on on the show. I like how the pink sets off my bunny colors.


Celebrating some awesome fireworks by Target from our balcony. how awesome can you get!!! I LOVE fireworks!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Lake Arbutus

Hey everyone! Here I am in Hatfield, Wisconsin, at Lake Arbutus. We
are at a really neat campsite that Aunt Karen is staying at with her
family. Very cool! Or actually hot! It is going to be over 90 degrees
again today and Joe is out on the property finishing up the
landscaping work! We hope he doesn't overheat!

If you look closely out in the water, you will see Uncle Darrick and
Michael playing out in the water. Also, if you zoom way in along the
horizon between the tree and grill, you can see Bruce Mound off in the
distance. We will have to bring Gus out here when he gets bigger!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Back to the Jungle

Here we are, back to the jungle that is our property! Behind me, the
bunny sculpture is looking down over the hill, but the weeds are
almost as high as him! You can see the one pass Joe made with the
tractor two weeks ago that allowed me to walk over here with Anne. We
have a lot of work to do today! I like being out here working!

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Here I am driving down a typical street in Minneapolis and what do we
spy?!? An AMX - but not just an AMX, one in great condition with a
red/white/blue paint job in great condition! Papa T is going to love
this one! Maybe he sold it new back in he day!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Here I am again for my annual 4th of July post! This year we are in
Minneapolis and have a great view of the fireworks over the
Mississippi River right from our balcony! I love fireworks!

@ the Old Spaghetti Factory

Here I am with one of Gus' neat toys - a mushroom man, at the Old
Spaghetti Factory. We are here with Joe's mom, Debbie, as she has come
to visit us (mostly Gus:-) It is the 4th of July and here in
Minneapolis it is very hot! Over 100 degrees! Good thing the
restaurant is right across the street! It is an OK place, just like
the one we used to go to in Riverside...nice that it is family
friendly for G-man!