Friday, February 22, 2013

Camas heritage park

Hi! Here I am yesterday at the Camas Heritage Park. Anne, Gus, and
Astro went for a run on a very nice trail along Lacamas Lake. It was a
rainy day in our new city, but not too bad. We have noticed that it
sprinkles and drizzles on and off for the most part since we've been
here. I'm sure it really rains sometimes, but we haven't experienced
that yet. It drizzled the whole time they ran, but there was no wind
and Gus stayed dry in his stroller and Astro and Anne were pretty dry
with their light rain gear on. The trail is crushed gravel and well
packed and draining, so even though it was raining, the stroller was
no problem. They ran into some runners that didn't like the cold when
it gets down in the low 40s when it rains...Anne let them know that it
was better than snow and 20 degrees like it is in Minneapolis in
winter! I like observing in new places!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Mt. Hood

So as the movers were unloading, the fog dissipated and the the sun
came out! What a super nice day! 51 degrees and not hardly any breeze.
And you can see Mt. Hood from the house, it looks a lot like Joe
figured from google earth...Crown Point is just below Mt. Hood and to
the right (my left). You may not be able to see it in this shot. Mt.
Hood looks so much bigger than the picture shows. What an awesome

Unstuck truck

Yeah! The truck is free! You can see the very nice police man, John,
that came out to help. We also met a bunch of our neighbors, some of
them were trapped in the neighborhood because the moving truck was
blocking the road...we met some very nice people and learned a bit
about our town from John. It ended up being an interesting way to meet
the neighborhood! Truck is now parked on the road and our stuff is
being shuttled to our home by smaller trucks. What an adventurous

Now that's a tow truck!

The tow truck has arrived, and it is the mother of all tow trucks! I
thought our nephew, Michael, would love this truck! It could almost be
a transformer!

Stuck truck

So here I am at the corner of X and Y street, just a very short walk
away from our new home, by our moving truck. It is really about 800'
away. If you look closely at the back tires where I am looking, you
will see that the back tires are not on the ground. As the truck was
making a big corner on the hill, the truck got high centered! It was
foggy this morning and I can see how someone unfamiliar with the
neighborhood could get stuck...our movers seem very experienced and
knowledgeable, and this was quite unexpected! We are waiting for the
tow truck now...what a crazy turn of events!


Hey, everyone! Just got done getting a bunch of odds and ends for the
house at IKEA and Lowes. When we walked out into the parking lot, it
was like a scene from the movie, The Birds! If you zoom in, you can
really see what I mean - they are everywhere! I like winged