Saturday, June 8, 2013

Kenai Lake

Driving from Seward back to Anchorage we pulled off to take some
pictures of Kenai Lake. It looks like I have legs, but those are Joe's
legs behind me, along with a tripod leg emanating out from my arm:-)
It is fun to stop and take pictures!

Exit Glacier

Here we are at the end of a short, mile long hike to Exit Glacier
overlook. It isn't quite as impressive as we thought it would be, but
a neat glacier all the same! You can see the beautiful blue color in
the glacier near the top of what is behind me. That is where the
glacier spills out from the Harding Ice Field. If you look closely,
you can also see a waterfall trickling down the face of the glacier.
Still haven't seen any bears, moose, or elk...but mountains and
gaciers are neat! ❄

Seward/Lowell Point

On our way on a nice Saturday morning! Took a drive south of the town
of Seward to a state park near Lowell Point. The view is pretty nice
here! On our way to Exit Glacier!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Snoopy ski suit

Here I am in the gift shop at the top of the Alyeska ski resort. They
had an exhibit of a 1971 ski suit worn by the US ski team. Outdoor
clothing has come so far since then! I thought it was neat that there
was a snoopy patch on the official uniforms.

Alyeska ski resort

Here I am at the top of the tram at the Alyeaka ski resort. You are
looking down at the Turnagain arm with the Kenai Peninsula mountains
in the distance. It is crazy that the tram starts at 250' and goes up
to over 2,000'. Doesn't seem right that there would be a snow covered
mountain at just 2.000' in elevation! Nice day out, and nice to be

Flattop mountain

Behind me is Flattop mountain. There is a spur off of our trail that
leads to the top of it. If you look closely, you can see people
heading up. Looks like a great trail, but maybe not one while carrying

Blueberry loop #2

Another panorama from the blueberry loop trail. The mountains here
remind us of the Sierras. The trail is a little muddy and snow covered
at times, but overall a very nice hike! No mud or snow would equal no
snow covered mountains, and that is no good!

Blueberry loop trail

Going for a hike on the blueberry loop trail from the Glen Alps
trailhead! What a beautiful day! 60 degrees and sunny - it is 6 pm,
but seems more like noon! I like Alaska!

Thursday, June 6, 2013


So it is 11:08 pm in crazy! There aren't really any stars
and no northern lights because it isn't dark enough. Joe went to
Wasilla today. We looked at some maps and discussed what we will do
with our time. More to come!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport

Here I am in Anchorage, Alaska! We (I, Anne, and Gus) are here with Joe as he is here for work. Just landed at the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport.  It is 
9:15 pm outside, but seems like mid-day! Very interesting! You know the days are long in the summertime, but it doesn't seem real until you live it. Can't wait to check things out!

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